Contributions of the literature for jurist training: an analysis of the work "The foreigner”
judicial decision, “The foreigner”, literatureAbstract
Reflecting the judicial decision under the hermeneutic paradigm is an invitation to understand and apply Law better, because, through the hermeneutical method, it is possible to extract certain means of directing the decision-making process towards the path that best guarantees the individual's rights and guarantees. citizenship that best meets the demand of a Democratic State of Law. The problem surrounding the judicial decision was analyzed through the work "O Estrangeiro" by Albert Camus, which denounces the deficiencies of a judicial provision contrary to the legal order and fundamental principles. In general, the present work intends to reflect the problem of Judicial Activism, through Literature, from a democratic perspective, seeking to grant a Law more committed to the observance of the law, as well as the principles of the Federal Constitution.Downloads
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