The atemporality of Johann Moritz Rugendas screening about the deforestation of the atlantic forest
Deforestation, Atlantic forest, Johann Moritz Rugendas, Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil of 1988.Abstract
The exuberant Brazilian forests have always stood out because of their beauty, the products, or even the area to be used commercially. However, the unlimited exploratory perception disseminated by the Portuguese from the Brazilian colonial period has deforested large regions, and this ideology is still present. There is such environmental degradation in the Atlantic Forest that the very dignified human existence in this populous region and the perpetuation of the healthy intergenerational environment advocated by the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil of 1988 are in question. Thus, using a deductive and descriptive analysis, the bibliographical and documentary research was combined to understand the current studies on illegal deforestation in the Atlantic Forest, the constitutional imperative for the protection and maintenance of the ecologically balanced environment, analyzing in a reflexive way the painting on canvas The Deforestation, by Johann Moritz Rugendas (1835). Two chapters were elaborated, which led to the conclusion that although the 1988 Constituent seeks to change the paradigm of man's predatory relation to nature, given the high levels of illegal deforestation of the Atlantic Forest in contemporary times, the Rugendas canvas elaborated in The 19th century still remains current, although it is in the 21st century.
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