The delusions of revenge in the penal system
Art, effectiveness, punishment, penal system, revenge.Abstract
The Law and Art show several intersections, such as Music, Literature and Cinema. The latter allows for reflection on the main issues dealt with by Law. Certain cinematographic productions present, critically, the spectator's relationship with the legal world. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze two productions in particular: the film The secret of your eyes and the episode White Bear, present in the series Black Mirror. Discussing the revenge, represented in the film by the perpetual sentence of imprisonment, as a way to enforce a conviction, after the common justice failed, and, in a parallel reality of White Bear, dehumanization in the fulfillment of the perpetual sentence of torture. The ultimate goal is to establish the disappointments of private revenge as an effective means of appeasing hatred in pursuit of justice with one's own hands; the relation with the perpetual sentence, and the presence of this in the democratic countries. Finally, we try to present ways to avoid this conflict, demonstrating criminal alternatives, based on maintaining the effectiveness of the penal system.
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