Female repression, human reproduction, biopoliticsAbstract
The universe articulated by the Canadian writer offers a 21st century metaphor, from a society that strictly follows biblical precepts under an authoritarian state regime. In this regime, fertile women have their rights suppressed, to exercise a single function: to be "AIAS", serving men, gestating healthy children. In a time of scarce birth, they are responsible for the continuity of the species. This article focuses on the intervention, authoritarian and calculative management of human life through biopolitics, allowing attacks against human rights on the sign of the preservation of life, public interest and the common good. In this sense, the work has as its relevance the contestation of the historically imputed role to the woman, linked to an age-old responsibility for human reproduction, which subjects her to limiting conventions directly linked to her sexuality. Thus, the aim of the work, from the dystopian novel is to bring reflections based on the concept of biopolitics under the eye of Michael Foucault. It also intends to bring to light considerations about the intervening role of the State and of the Law, with respect to human reproduction, to the detriment of respect for the identity and self-determination of the feminine gender, under a theoretical-qualitative methodological approach.
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