Legal practices and homicide crimes posted on the internet: “Vester Lee Flanigan’s” case
legal practices, Internet, murderAbstract
The present work is a result of a cut made in doctoral research on criminal legal practices on the internet, especially on digital video sharing platforms such as YouTube. We highlight, especially, the crime of spectacularized murder in the internet network through the dissemination of homemade videos produced by murderers who, in executing their victims, film the act and post it on social networks and spaces of image and sound sharing. The empirical support of the research was delineated from internet search for key words such as "filmed homicide", "crime filmed" - which led to several videos about the same event: real homicides filmed and posted on social networks and youtube channel. Thus, this work aimed to discuss and analyze the Law crossed by online practices from the criminal event occurred in the US at the end of 2015, demonstrated in two videos entitled: Homem que matou repórter e cinegrafista FILMOU SEU CRIME and Vester Lee Flanigan II , Bryce Williams, Suspect in live TV Shooting in Virginia. For that, we take as main theoretical-methodological reference, the analysis of the Foucaultian discourse to understand the conditions of possibility and visibility of homicide crimes on the Internet.
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